Statement on Executive decisions

The Executive has recently agreed further relaxations to restrictions as part of its Coronavirus recovery pathway.

he Executive also agreed a fresh set of regulations for the purpose of retaining  those restrictions and requirements that are considered still to be necessary.

It is intended that the Health Minister will make the Health Protection (Coronavirus, Restrictions) (No. 2) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2020 (“The No. 2 Regulations”) this evening, to come into effect on July 24. The new regulations retain the general restriction limiting gatherings to 30 participants, with a number of general categories of exception to this limit.

Ministers also agreed to legislate to take the power to make the use of face coverings mandatory in a number of indoor settings. This will not be implemented immediately. A publicity campaign will encourage the wearing of face coverings, and the Executive will consider the impact of this campaign at its meeting on August 20. If there has not been a significant increase in the use of face coverings by this stage, the Executive will implement the power to make this mandatory.

The Executive has agreed to write to both the British and Irish Governments calling for a special summit of the British Irish Council to be convened to discuss Covid travel issues and the Common Travel Area. It was also agreed that updated travel advice would be published on link opens in a new window / tab)

Ministers have confirmed the following relaxations which are made in the expectation of all relevant public health advice being followed. From tomorrow, July 24:

The Executive has also agreed an indicative date of August 10 for the reopening of indoor pubs and bars selling only drink (wet pubs). This relaxation will be ratified in advance of the indicative date depending on the prevailing Covid-19 situation at that time.


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