Launch of InterpreterNow – Available to Schools

The Education Authority have recently launched InterpreterNow which enables deaf and sign language users to communicate directly to schools or to Education Authority (EA) staff using a video relay service.

The deaf or sign language user can download and register with the InterpreterNow app to their smartphone or tablet device, and locate EA’s logo in the app directory.

Matthew McDermott, EA Head of Equality and Diversity, said:

“We are thrilled to partner with InterpreterNow to provide a high quality, reliable, and professional language service for our deaf and sign language community. We strive for continuous improvement and quality of access to EA services to ensure that we meet the needs of our sign language users.”

Do I need to do anything to make sure this works in my school?

No, through using the App, the deaf or sign language user will be connected to one of InterpreterNow’s qualified interpreters via video. The user will then have the option to connect to either EA’s general reception or to a specific school they wish to  communicate with. If they want to speak to your school, you will receive a call as normal. This call will be from an interpreter who will relay the conversation between you and the deaf or sign language user. This service will be available in British and Irish Sign Language.

How will this benefit my school?

This will mean that you can have instant conversations with deaf or sign language users without having to book an in person interpreter. If you have deaf or sign language using parents, you can request that they download and register with the InterpreterNow app to their smart devices. This will enable the school office to call a parent by calling 03333 440019 (please take a note of this number) and providing the interpreter with the name of parent, who can then be searched and connected with, providing they are registered on the app.

Can I still book in person/remote interpreters for certain meetings?

Yes, this service remains the same. For conversations which are more formal we can provide interpreters who are available in person or remotely. It is the responsibility of the schools to book this service through EA’s Equality Unit

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