A week of virtual fun for children

Causeway Coast and Glens Borough Council is offering a week of virtual fun for children aged 1 to 5 during Playful Museum's Week.

Children can join Museum Services staff from Monday 15th to Saturday 20th February for 'From Me to You', which explores the journey of one little Bear's postcard to his Granda Bear.

From Me to You' will be delivered virtually with animations, online instruction videos and downloadable resource packs posted on the Ballymoney Museum Facebook Page. These packs will have resources to help children create their own mailbag, postman hat, postcards, stamp, plane and posting games.

A major part of this project is the creation of the child's own portrait stamp and postcards. These can be posted to Ballymoney Museum and will then be delivered to care homes in the Borough as a way of connecting generations.

Each child will be rewarded with a certificate to thank them for taking part in this year's project and completed work will feature in an exciting new exhibition.

To take part in Playful Museum's Week email cms@causewaycoastandglens.gov.uk or visit Ballymoney Museum's Facebook Page.


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