New schools resource from Causeway Coast and Glens Borough Council

New schools resource from Causeway Coast and Glens Borough Council's Good Relations team explores history, identity, democracy and equality

A new post-primary schools' resource is now available from Causeway Coast and Glens Borough Council's Good Relations team as part of its programme to encourage youth participation in building a shared and cohesive society.


Originally produced in 2015, as a joint project between the four legacy Councils, this latest version of 'Hide or Seek?' comes in the form of two booklets: one for pupils and one for their teacher.


The material examines history, identity, democracy and equality, and has been updated this year to reflect the wide range of political opinion that exists locally.


The booklets are part of a wider initiative which encourages emerging leaders from across the Borough to have greater engagement with politicians and those from different community backgrounds.


Mayor of Causeway Coast and Glens Borough Council, Alderman Mark Fielding, said: "Helping our young people to engage with the many issues that affect life in our Borough, including the varying political opinions that shape local decision-making, is vital.


"We hope that this resource will help to inform young people about the various perspectives that exist throughout the Borough, and encourage them to play an active role in local democracy and in building a shared community."


The updated resource will be distributed to post-primary schools throughout the Borough and is designed primarily for use with Citizenship classes in schools, as well as youth groups and their leaders.


The launch and distribution of the new "Hide or Seek?" booklets is also part of Council's NI100 programme which contributes to building a shared understanding of our collective history as well as building for our future together.


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This project has received funding from The Executive Office as part of the District Councils Good Relations Programme under the T:BUC strategy.

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