"Summer Fun" online programme for children with disabilities

Fermanagh and Omagh District Council has launched 'Summer Fun', an online programme of activities to help children with disabilities remain engaged in creative hobbies during July & August.

This programme is funded by the Public Health Agency and aims to promote positive health and wellbeing by providing participants, who may still have reservations about attending physical events, with opportunities to explore different activities.

"Summer Fun" will be delivered online with participants receiving material packs and tutorial videos for the activities they register for. This means that participants can start the activities at a time that suits them and take regular breaks.

Throughout the programme participants will be able to create their very own paper quilling picture, colourful dandelions, tropical turtle, recycled dragonfly or summer sunflower, or take part in a Jo Jingles or Jumping Clay workshop.

Talking ahead of the Programme, the Chair of Fermanagh and Omagh District Council Cllr Errol Thompson said;

"Fermanagh and Omagh District Council is delighted to launch this online inclusive Summer programme for children with disabilities.

During the Summer, many children can't access the activities they usually would throughout term time. The workshops hope to provide children with the opportunity to explore some creative activities and help keep them engaged during the Summer months. I hope you take part, have fun and enjoy the activities."

Adele Dunn, from the Public Health Agency, the funders, added:

"PHA is delighted to continue to support the Access Inclusion Project within Fermanagh and Omagh District Council. As we all recover from the impact of the pandemic, it is more important than ever to engage in programmes which will impact positively on our health and social wellbeing. This online programme is a great opportunity for children with disabilities to have fun and be creative. By engaging in these activities, participants will also take steps to improve and maintain their wellbeing recognising the 'Take 5 Steps to Wellbeing'."

To find out more about all the activities available please download the Programme by visiting www.fermanaghomagh.com, telephone 0300 303 1777 or email disability@fermanaghomagh.com

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