Applications open for new Belfast City Youth Council members

Belfast City Youth Council is recruiting 40 new members from communities across the city to help shape the future of Belfast for young people.

Formerly known as Belfast Youth Forum, the new Belfast City Youth Council is aimed at people aged 13 - 18 years old.

Successful members will sit on the Belfast City Youth Council for two years and will spend their time advising politicians and organising campaigns for social justice and children’s rights as well as organising events to promote the voices of young people in our city.

Lord Mayor of Belfast, Councillor Kate Nicholl said: “The rebranding and new name of Belfast City Youth Council marks a new beginning for members and signifies how important the Youth Council is and its dominance at City level.

“In the past, Belfast City Youth Council members have always been dedicated and resilient in tackling the major issues facing young people in the city and I have no doubt that the recruits for the new term will be just as inspiring.

“Belfast City Youth Council provides a strong platform for our young people- and gives them the opportunity to use their collective voices to campaign for change on items such as mental health, climate change and poverty.

“I look forward to working with the new members closely and using whatever opportunities I can to ensure better outcomes for our young people.”

The Belfast City Youth Council has inspired lots of young people including past member Maria Aaroy who said: “I joined Belfast City Youth Council when I was 16 and the people I’ve been surrounded with for the last three years have shaped who I am.

“I have been given the best opportunities, spoken about issues I am passionate on and helped to create amazing campaigns. The Belfast City Youth Council has provided me and other young people with a platform where we can engage with key decision-makers to help bring about change where it is needed in our city."

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