Hull Collegiate Awarded Highest Inspection Result

Hull Collegiate School in Anlaby is celebrating after being awarded the highest possible grade ‘excellent’ in all areas of their latest inspection. It is the only independent school in East Yorkshire to receive these glowing results from the ISI team. 
•    The quality of pupils’ academic and other achievements is excellent: Inspectors said: ‘pupils have extremely positive attitudes to learning, are highly motivated and are keen to make the most of all that the school provides for them’;
•    The quality of pupils’ personal development is excellent: Inspectors said: ‘throughout the school, pupils develop into well-rounded, kind and confident young people’.  They went on to say that pupils ‘have an exceedingly strong sense of community’.
The inspectors were also highly complimentary about the countless ways in which pupils in all years serve others both in the local community and across the world — describing pupils as ‘kind, compassionate and extremely thoughtful young people’. 
All areas of the school are highly regarded within the report including, science, drama, music, art, maths, sport, languages and co-curricular including the successful Duke of Edinburgh programme. 
Concluding their report, the inspectors said:
 ‘The school is highly successful in developing well-rounded, confident, skilled young people who are very well equipped for the next stage of their education.’
Headmistress Alex Wilson said:
‘We are delighted with this report which recognises what an excellent school Hull Collegiate is.  As well as commenting on our high academic standards, I am particularly thrilled that the inspectors saw how motivated, ambitious and enthusiastic our pupils are.
‘The inspectors’ comments are a powerful recognition of what we are achieving.  At Hull Collegiate, we constantly strive to give our pupils a breadth of experiences and opportunities outside the classroom so that they can develop into compassionate and responsible young people.  It is therefore very heartening that the inspectors saw many examples of our excellent pastoral care and our pupils demonstrating our values: innovation, confidence, aspiration, respect and enthusiasm.  Our school community is like no other, one that I’m proud to have my family a part of.’

Hull Collegiate School
Tranby Croft
East Yorkshire
HU10 7EH 

Imgae: Pupils with Head of Prep Antje Kell and Headmistress Alex Wilson. 

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