Spaghetti Meatball Muffins

Ingredients (makes 10 muffins):

For the muffins

To decorate


  1. Preheat the oven to 190˚C (170˚C fan assisted oven, 375˚F, gas mark 5). Put the Muffin Cases in 10 muffin tins. Sift the flour and Baking Powder into a mixing bowl and stir in the sugar. Make a well in the centre.
  2. In a jug, mix the egg, melted butter, milk and Vanilla Extract together. Pour into the well, add the Chocolate Chips and mix all the ingredients together to make a thick batter.
  3. Divide the mixture equally between the cases and smooth over the tops. Bake for 22-25 minutes until risen and golden. Transfer to a wire rack to cool.
  4. To decorate, break up the Milk Chocolate into pieces and place in a heatproof bowl over a saucepan of barely simmering water, and leave to melt. Remove from the water and stir in the rice cereal. Leave until cool enough to hold together, then form into 10 balls and place on a board lined with baking parchment. Chill for 30 minutes until set.
  5. Meanwhile, pipe the tops of the muffins with Easy Swirl using the writing nozzle making stringy piles of icing to resemble spaghetti. Put the jam in a small bowl and mix with a teaspoon to soften and make spoonable – add a little water if necessary. Grate the White Chocolate using a fine cheese grater.
  6. Place a crispy chocolate ball on top of each muffin and then spoon over a little jam. Sprinkle with grated White Chocolate. Your muffins are now ready to serve and enjoy!


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