Kitty's Reviews

The Trials of Morrigan Crow (Nevermoor)
By Jessica Townsend | 
Publisher: Orion Children's Books

Morrigan Crow is cursed. Having been born on Eventide, the unluckiest day for any child to be born, she's blamed for all local misfortunes, from hailstorms to heart attacks--and, worst of all, the curse means that Morrigan is doomed to die at midnight on her eleventh birthday.
But as Morrigan awaits her fate, a strange and remarkable man named Jupiter North appears. Chased by black-smoke hounds and shadowy hunters on horseback, he whisks her away into the safety of a secret, magical city called Nevermoor. BUY IT ON AMAZON

Review: I loved this book so much, it was a fascinating read that was exciting and enjoyable, had great characters and an amazing plot. It had an end that didn’t drop in suspense and was easy to follow the whole way through which made it fun. It would be impossible to say which bit was my favourite as I loved it all, but my favourite character was Jupiter North. I have recommended this book to all my friends and to the librarian at my school! I would rate it
5 stars out of 5.

The Wizards of Once
By Cressida Cowell
 | Publisher: Hodder Children's Books

This is the story of a young boy Wizard and a young girl Warrior who have been taught since birth to hate each other like poison; and the thrilling tale of what happens when their two worlds collide. Perfect for boys and girls who love fantasy adventure... BUY IT ON AMAZON

Review: I really enjoyed this book because there were moments of suspense where you could guess what would happen and 9 times out of 10 be shocked by what happened. It was really fun and a good read, I love how it all intertwines and locks. It is a book you get drawn into and can't put down and I can't wait for the next book in the series to come out because it leaves a real cliff hanger of an ending! An incredible read. 5 out of 5

The Guggenheim Mystery
By Robin Stevens
 | Publisher: Puffin

This summer, I went on holiday to New York, to visit Aunt Gloria and Salim. While I was there, a painting was stolen from the Guggenheim Museum, where Aunt Gloria works.

Everyone was very worried and upset. I did not see what the problem was. I do not see the point of paintings, even if they are worth £9.8 million. Perhaps that's because of my very unusual brain, which works on a different operating system to everyone else's.

But then Aunt Gloria was blamed for the theft - and Aunt Gloria is family. And I realised just how important it was to find the painting, and discover who really had taken it. BUY IT ON AMAZON

Review: I really like this book, the plot was well thought out and worked really well with the original book from the series even though they were written by different authors I like the way that reds mind is always is thinking out of the box it appears strange at first but you get used to it my favourite bit was them unmasking the villain. 4out of 5 stars

Good Night Stories for Rebel Girls
By Elena Favilli and Francesca Cavallo
 | Publisher: Particular Books

What if the princess didn't marry Prince Charming but instead went on to be an astronaut? What if the jealous step sisters were supportive and kind? And what if the queen was the one really in charge of the kingdom? Illustrated by sixty female artists from every corner of the globe, Good Night Stories for Rebel Girls introduces us to one hundred remarkable women and their extraordinary lives, from Ada Lovelace to Malala, Amelia Earhart to Michelle Obama. Empowering, moving and inspirational, these are true fairy tales for heroines who definitely. BUY IT ON AMAZON

Review: A truly stunning and inspiring book. Full of fantastic tales and stories of women and how we are equal to men and just as capable. A fantastic book I would definitely recommend to any aspiring young women. I love this book. 5 stars out of 5

Mabel Jones and the Doomsday Book
By Will Mabbitt
 | Publisher: Puffin

Would you agree to go on a perilous TOP SECRET mission to save your best friend from the creaking gibbet? Mabel Jones is on her way to the city of Otom in search of the legendary Doomsday Book - an ancient document that might help her save the hooman race.But Otom is a dangerous place, packed with soldiers, spies and stinking rebels. Can Mabel escape with the book, or will she fall victim to the dreaded Grand Zhoul . . . ? BUY IT ON AMAZON

Review: I would recommend this book to my friends because I liked the fact the story was narrated in first person as well as present tense whilst being set in the future, the fact that you can't tell that it's not the first one in its series, that everyone apart from Mable Jones and Jarvis are animals, I think it's really cleverly done. I think both boys and girls would like it if they were aged between 8 and 10. My favorite bits were when Omynus Hussh saved the day, or when Von Klaar revealed himself. I would give it 4 stars out of 5. 

Emerald Secret 
By Susan Moore | Publisher: Nosy Crow Ltd

Nat is perched on the prow of the Junko as it glides up the Thames one cold, drizzly night. London is to be her home for the next year, and it looks to be a strange and uninviting place after the bright lights and fast pace of Hong Kong. Little does Nat know that she and her dragon-robot, Fizz, are at the start of their second adventure, one that will see them become lost in the high-tech world of one of her father's games and seeking out a long-lost Chinese sword. Secrets that have been kept hidden for decades will be revealed and Nat will learn some startling things about her family, her future, and herself... BUY IT ON AMAZON

Review: I would recommend it to my friends as I think it's facinating how they have come up with inventions that might be around in the future. I think both boys and girls would like it and it would be good for children aged 9 to 12/13. My favourite bit was when Nat entered the virtual reality world for the first time. I didn't like it when Ivy admits to killing Jamuka as I think it defeats the object of a mysterious murder. I would give it 4 stars out of 5

The League of Unexceptional Children: Get Smart-ish: Book 2
By Gitty Daneshvari
 | Publisher: Brown Books for Young Readers 

When readers met twelve-year-olds Jonathan and Shelley, they had just been recruited to join the League of Unexceptional Children. This covert spy network is comprised solely of kids who are so average and nondescript that they are utterly forgettable, and who makes a better spy than a kid no one remembers?

To everyone's surprise, Jonathan and Shelley saved the day in Book 1, and as a result they have been loaned to MI5: the United Kingdom's leading spy organization. The kids' mission is to recapture a missing vial of LIQ-15, a virus that makes people lose IQ points. Relying on only their complete lack of skill, Jonathan and Shelley must once again stop an evil plan in its tracks. BUY IT ON AMAZON

Review: I would recommend this book to my friends because I thought it was funny and clever. I think both boys and girls would like it if they were aged between 8 and 12. My sister is 8 and I think she woukd enjoy it.  My favourite bit was when Jonathan tricked Darwin, Oli and Hattie, because you didn't see it coming.  I would give it 4 and a half stars. 

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