Lexi's Reviews

The Miracle of Hanukkah
By Malachy Doyle | Publisher: Bloomsbury Education

The Miracle of Hanukkah is the perfect picture book to introduce children to the story and traditions of Hanukkah.

Review: I liked this book and the way it told the story of Hanukkah. We did the story of Hanukkah at school in year 1 in RE and so I knew some of this already. It was nice to hear the story again and remind me of the special words like ‘Menorah’ which I had forgotten. I showed the story to my little sister. She liked the pictures. We especially liked looking at all the special food the family ate and the chocolate coins the children were given for 8 days! 

Mum's review: This was a wonderful telling of the story of Hanukkah for children. It was detailed with great illustrations and Lexi was keen to learn the Hebrew words and understand a little more of the Jewish faith. I would highly recommend this book. 


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