Guildford in Bloom Launches 2025 Competition with Theme - Butterflies and Moths

Guildford in Bloom is thrilled to announce the launch of the 2025 competition, inviting residents and businesses to showcase their gardening talents under the captivating theme of Butterflies and Moths. This year's competition aims to celebrate the beauty and importance of these delicate creatures in our ecosystem by working together with the community to reverse the severe decline in butterfly numbers recorded in 2024 (-40%).

Participants are encouraged to concentrate on planting and creating habitats that will attract and support butterflies and moths. Guildford in Bloom have teamed up with Butterfly Conservation Surrey to provide a wealth of supporting information for gardeners wanting to theme their garden. From window boxes bursting with colourful blooms to intricate garden landscapes teeming with nectar-rich plants, there are endless possibilities to create a haven for these enchanting pollinating insects.

"We are excited to see the community come together to celebrate the wonders of nature through our Butterflies and Moths theme for Guildford in Bloom 2025, and most importantly, to work together to make a difference" said Paul Spooner, Chair of Guildford in Bloom. "This competition offers a unique opportunity for residents to showcase their gardening skills and contribute to the conservation of these vital pollinators." Paul Spooner added “We are delighted to add a new category this year thanks to our Sponsor St Edward Homes, and we are always so grateful to all our sponsors, including Unigold Limited and Chapters Financial as well as our category and Major sponsors – as without their continued enthusiastic support we could not continue.”

Guildford in Bloom is also delighted to announce a new category for 2025 exclusively for balconies. A block of flats is often perceived as a barren area for wildlife, the addition of nectar-rich planting and a small water source on each balcony would provide essential pitstops for all pollinators. This new category is sponsored by St Edward Homes and the team from Guildford in Bloom are pleased to be able to work with St Edward Homes to include more residents in the competition.
The St Edward Homes Balcony Category can be entered by providing up to 5 photographs and a written paragraph detailing the planting.

Residents and businesses across Guildford are invited to participate in the competition, with a category for everyone including; Nature Champion, Neighbourhood Project, Front Garden, Wildlife Garden, Container Garden and Best Pub/Business in Bloom. There are additional special categories for a Themed Garden and a Young Gardener aged 11-21.

Guildford Schools in Bloom competition has also launched with the same theme and the Schools team of judges are looking forward to seeing the pupil’s interpretation. Deadline for school entries is 25 May 2025 and interested schools should email for more details.

To participate in Guildford in Bloom 2025 and for more information on competition guidelines and entry details, visit The deadline for entries is 22 June 2025. Guildford in Bloom is hoping to encourage as many residents, businesses and schools as possible to enter and work together to make Guildford a haven for insects, pollinators and garden wildlife.

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