Embark on a family adventure at Rowfant Trail, a captivating woodland discovery trail

Nestled in the heart of Sussex and promising an unforgettable adventure, this enchanting trail takes you through varied landscapes and diverse woodland areas, offering endless opportunities for exploration and fun.

Rowfant Trail isn't just about walking; it's about creating memories and deepening your connection with nature. Cross charming bridges, wander along scenic boardwalks, and let your kids' imaginations run wild with playful interventions scattered throughout the trail. Enjoy a leisurely picnic in the picnic area, surrounded by the serene beauty of the woods.

As you explore, you'll discover that Rowfant Trail is a vital natural corridor for wildlife, seamlessly blending into the high weald area of outstanding natural beauty. Their mission is to protect and enhance this woodland gem, ensuring it remains a vibrant, biodiverse haven for future generations. Through their ongoing efforts, they aim to restore and rejuvenate the areas that need a little extra care.

Visit Rowfant Trail for a day filled with laughter, learning, and the joy of discovering the great outdoors with your loved ones!


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