Embark on a heartwarming journey with Belle and her family at the Lantern Arts Centre

Come to the Lantern Arts Centre this Christmas as Belle moves to a humble village after her father loses his fortune. Can her sisters find rich husbands to keep them in the manner they've become accustomed to? Who is Fairy Rose and why is she interested in Belle and her father? Can the Beast find love and return to his princely self or will the wicked Enchantress become his queen?

In the heart of Raynes Park, the Lantern Arts Centre has been producing brilliant, family-friendly pantomimes for over 25 years - expect a fantastic tale, loads of toe-tapping tunes and a ton of fun.

Tickets: £17/£14 concessions, including a free programme. 11th - 15th December at 7.30pm (weekend matinees at 2.30pm).


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