COLOURFUL designs are being sought for an Easter egg-stravaganza at Middlesbrough's Albert Park.

And there's a chocolate treat in store for the first youngsters to complete next month's Easter Egg Trail.

The fun activity for all the family is the brainchild of Linthorpe Councillor Philippa, Newport Councillor Chris Cooke and Newport resident Alisha Partland.

Working with Middlesbrough Council's parks team, they're putting on the trail at the park on Saturday, April 3.

And they're on the look-out for colourful designs to be made into eggs for the Egg Hunt.

Two winning designs will be chosen, with each winner receiving a special chocolate hamper in time for Easter.

Each egg to be found along the trail will contain information about local community groups and organisations that have helped Middlesbrough's communities during the town's response to the Covid-19 pandemic.

The hunt will take place from 10am to 3pm with trail cards available from reception at the Albert Park visitor centre and cafe.

As a special treat, the first 200 children to complete the hunt will receive a chocolate egg when returning their completed trail card to reception.

Anyone taking part in the trail is reminded to maintain social distancing and wear a mask when collecting their trail card from reception.

Councillor Philippa Storey said: "The pandemic derailed all our Easter plans in 2020, so we wanted to make a special effort for 2021.

"The Easter Egg Trail is aimed at the whole family, as well as being a celebration of the often unsung heroes who've really gone the extra mile over the last 12 months."

Councillor Chris Cooke added: "We've all missed community events during lockdown, but there's finally light at the end of the tunnel.

"It's going to be great to get families from across Middlesbrough involved in the Easter Egg Trail, and I can't wait to see the designs our budding young artists come up with."

The closing date for entries is Sunday, March 28.



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