Middlesbrough Mayor shows support for education centre

Middlesbrough Mayor Andy Preston has shown his support for the education of our young people by visiting Alpha Tuition Centre on Linthorpe Road.


The Centre, founded by Dani Choudary, improves GCSE and A level prospects of local children by offering in-centre classes and one-on-one tuition with experienced tutors from Teesside schools.


Dani and the team offer friendly, bespoke tuition to children from Key Stage One up to “A” level standard and are already beginning to have fantastic success.


Mayor Preston’s visit was a major boost for all concerned.


‘Over the last couple of years, it’s been a tough ride trying to get our tuition centre up and running,’ admits Dani.


The visit gave our teachers the boost they need occasionally, and the children were totally surprised by the Mayor’s warmth and down-to-earth nature - they made some wonderful memories.’


During his visit, Andy met Ameera, an A level student whose time with Alpha has boosted her grades. She is now on course to train to be a radiographer.


Her mum Sarah said: “I was so pleased with Ameera’s results and wanted to say a big thank you to Alpha and Huma, her tutor, for helping her to achieve these results. Ameera had been so nervous and really didn’t think she would do as well as she did. Thank you so much!”


Andy also met the Centre’s youngest pupil Joel, who was bowled over Andy’s warmth and interest in his schooling.


Said Mayor Preston: ‘There are loads of talented, intelligent kids in Middlesbrough and the wider Teesside area struggling to fulfil their potential. Classrooms full of kids aren’t ideal for everyone. Sometimes all they need to help them achieve their very best is a tiny amount of focused tuition.’

‘The smaller group tuition that Alpha offer will see some Teesside kids absolutely flying, so I’d encourage parents to seriously consider this innovative Middlesbrough business.’

To learn more about Alpha Tuition, go to alpha-training.co.uk








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