Tees Valley: News - May 2023

What to do if you're bored with water

30th May 2023

Data reveals - 30% of Brits find water boring and do not drink it, finds hydration specialists   45% of Brits admit to only drinking one glass of water a day  30% of Brits find water boring so limit how much they drink 27% of Brits say their...

news item

Down in the Barn show taking place on Sat Jun 24th at Fletchers Farm.

24th May 2023

  The show is headlined by the acoustic duo Plumhall. Support comes from Growing Old Disgracefully. PLUMHALL (Michelle Plum and Nick B Hall) are critically-acclaimed songwriters from the UK, using a mesmerising combination of acoustic and electric instruments to create breathtaking soundscapes...

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