Wiltshire: News - January 2023

news item

Five Wiltshire schools achieve dyslexia award

27th January 2023

It’s widely understood that children with dyslexia often struggle at school and five schools in Wiltshire have been recognised for their work in addressing the challenges it presents. The British Dyslexia Association (BDA) has awarded the schools its Dyslexia Friendly Quality Mark. The mark provides...

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Trowbridge Town Council opens applications for community project funding

20th January 2023

Community groups and organisations that support projects and initiatives in Trowbridge and the surrounding area can now apply for core funding from Trowbridge Town Council. Applications must be submitted to the council by 30 Apr. A committee of councillors will consider each applicant individually and...

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Council canvasses Wiltshire families on service delivery

13th January 2023

Wiltshire Council wants to hear from parents, parents-to-be, carers and their families about how they would like to access council services in the future. It has launched an online survey available to Wiltshire residents until Sun 2 Apr comprising multiple choice questions including one which asks how...

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Abbeyfield School invites parents to comment on its extension plans

5th January 2023

Parents in Abbeyfield, Chippenham and surrounding areas are invited to view plans for a proposed expansion of Abbeyfield School next week. The secondary school, alongside Wiltshire Council, hosts an event from 5pm to 7.30pm on Wed 11 Jan, when visitors can speak to the design team behind the proposed...

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