Wiltshire: News - February 2023

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Bring the fantasy to Life!

24th February 2023

Swindon and Calne-based facepainters Fantasy Faces 4U love to bring that extra pop of colour and sparkle to any event, and are sure to be a terrific hit at your children's party. They specialise in rainbow unicorns, super heroes, animals, fairies and Disney characters but they like a challenge: if...

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Best class ever!

24th February 2023

Build togetherness and confidence in class with circus skills! Teachers and parents looking for an inspirational way to build their children’s confidence and teamwork should consider the range of workshops and clubs provided by Circus Wessex. The Wiltshire-based charity runs bespoke workshops...

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Need Mother's Day inspiration? Sam Lazzaris explores some of Wiltshire’s highlights

9th February 2023

Spring is on its way, with bright daffodils bursting out everywhere, and a special date for your diary is Mother's Day, Sunday 19 March. Wiltshire families wishing to make a fuss of the mum in their lives are in luck as the county offers a wealth of activities to suit all tastes and abilities. Why...

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Wiltshire Air Ambulance offers first-aid training for schools

3rd February 2023

Parents keen to see their children learn first aid at school might consider recommending Wiltshire Air Ambulance’s (WAA) Emergency Awareness Training programme to their child’s school. The programme aims to teach children a wide range of lifesaving skills such as making a 999 call, managing...

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Collect Zog's golden stars at Westonbirt Arboretum!

3rd February 2023

Fans of the Zog books and film can now explore Westonbirt Arboretum and learn to care for the woodland with Zog’s brand-new family activity trail and app. Visitors download the ‘Zog: A Forest Adventure’ app before starting the trail, which features interactive markers that unlock...

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February Half Term's Primary Times is coming soon!

2nd February 2023

The February Half Term edition of Wiltshire Primary Times is being delivered to primary schools throughout Swindon and Wiltshire this week, before the start of the holiday. Look out for the magazine in your children’s bookbags in the next few days. It’s packed with holiday information for...

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