Primary Times Devon are proud to be partnered with the Devon County Show (15th to 17th May 2025) for the Junior Competition Schedule. There are a variety of classes available for entry by individual children aged 3 to 11, schools, special schools, Rainbows, Brownies, Girl Guides, Beavers, Cubs and Scouts. The competitions are designed to enable young competitors to be as creative as possible.
The classes are as follows:
1. Best Home/School Grown Cress Head
2. A Garden in a Milk Carton (to be displayed in a milk carton)
3. A Flower Arrangement in a Yogurt Pot (an arrangement using any flowers or herbs in a yogurt pot)
4. A Homemade Bug House (Made from recycled goods. No bigger than a cereal box and no bugs included.)
5. An Insect (An insect crafted from recycled goods)
6. Royal Drawings (To be submitted by post to Primary Times, The Forge, Fore Street, Kenton, EX6 8LF by Friday 2nd of May. All artwork will be displayed at the Devon County Show)
6a. Age 3 to 5 - Drawing of a Royal Crown
6b. Age 5 to 8 - Drawing of a Royal Birthday Cake for Princess Charlotte
6c. Age 8 to 11 - A Portrait of You or Your Best Friend