Postcards from another planet

Imagine receiving your own personalised postcard from outer space! Well, now an experience almost as exciting is possible thanks to a new series of science-inspired resources, the first of which is PostcardsFromSpace. Friendly junior astronaut Tanno and spacedog Iguda will send your child a personalised postcard about their adventures through the solar system every week for 12 weeks.

This unique idea, the brainchild of Miles Hudson, PGCE physics tutor at Newcastle University, delivers fun, exciting science knowledge through your letterbox, just like any holiday postcard. 

There are facts and figures, of course, but the real fun and enthusiasm comes through in the adventures that Tanno and Iguda have on their travels. Learning the size and surface temperature of Pluto is one thing, but what would it actually be like to walk on the frozen surface?

The set of twelve A5 cards is ideal for 8 to 12 year olds and deliberately extends beyond the requirements of the National Curriculum to offer greater depth and breadth of learning. The educational element is enhanced with a link to a special webpage for each card’s location. These webpages include a range of additional information, animations, videos, and activities, for children to develop their interest and fun even further. Hudson also posts a Space Fact of the Day, every day, on the PostcardsFromSpace Facebook page.

PostcardsFromDeepSpace have recently been published, and PostcardsFromVolcanoes are coming soon.

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