Explore Heritage in Gloucestershire this September

Heritage Open Days - England’s largest history and culture festival - return to Gloucestershire between 9 and 18 September. Families across the county can enjoy more than 190 events across Gloucestershire during the 10-day festival and, best of all, they’re all free. These include themed walking tours of Cheltenham, Gloucester and Tewkesbury, historical exhibitions and - as the name suggests - open days as well as much more.

One location which is hosting events is the Beatrix Potter Museum, otherwise known as The House of the Tailor of Gloucester. Between 10am and 5pm on Fri 9 Sep and Sat 10 Sep you can explore the house that inspired Beatrix Potter’s ‘The Tailor of Gloucester’. Visitors to the museum can explore the Tailor’s kitchen, reconstructed from Beatrix Potter’s own drawings, as well as read the real story of John Prichard, the original tailor who inspired the titular character of Potter’s story.

On Sat 10 Sep you can also explore the beautiful Dyrham Park house and grounds. Dyrham Park is a National Trust-run baroque mansion located in 270 acres of amazing parkland just a short drive from Chippenham. You can stretch your legs and go for walks through the parkland, formal gardens, orchard and wooded terraces. If you are interested in history, you can also explore the mansion itself, which was built by William Blathwayt in the 17th century. A new play area and café at the Old Lodge are also ready for you and your family to try.

A mainstay of the festival are all the churches that are opening their doors throughout. These range from Gloucester Cathedral to the many smaller parish churches that are found across the county. Gloucester Cathedral will be offering tours and other activities on Fri 9 Sep and Sat 10 Sep between 10am and 5pm, and on Sun 11 Sep between 12noon and 5pm. Other churches opening their doors include St Catharine’s in Gloucester, St John the Evangelist in Slimbridge and St Margaret’s in Whaddon.

If you want to read more about the locations, events and activities mentioned or find out about the other events taking place throughout Heritage Open Days, then please follow the link below.



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