A good summer for The Roses

Current thumbnailIt’s a busy summer at The Roses Theatre in Tewkesbury! Live entertainment includes the brilliant Milkshake! Live (pictured) on stage on Tue 22 Aug, followed a couple of weeks later by I Spy With My Little Eye on Fri 1 Sep. If you’re keen to spend some time outdoors with the family this summer then why not get along to see Pandora’s Box, a riotous and ridiculous retelling of the famous Greek myth, on Sunday 20 August.

There are also plenty of activities to get involved in this summer in Tewkesbury. You can make a Tewkesbury Rivermaid, (26 July) learn some Contemporary Dance workshop, (27 July) join the theatre’s Holiday Club (2 August) or take part in Family Craft sessions from 15 August.

The Roses Theatre www.rosestheatre.org
The Roses Theatre for Families


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