11+ event offers free resources

A range of free resources will be available to parents attending an 11+ information event this autumn, designed to help them enhance their children’s learning, whether they decide to enter them for 11+ exams or not.

The free event, which takes place on Sat 7 Oct at Cleeve School, Cheltenham, is aimed at Year 4 and 5 parents or carers and aims to explain the 11+ process including the new GL tests, how to apply, school rankings and the appeals process. Those who attend will receive a free book and planner, and be eligible for a discount on Cotswold Education’s events.

Free resources offered to parents include puzzles, games, assessments and more, while the event runs from 10am to 12pm and free tickets are available via the website.

“The launch day is a great way to start thinking about your options for secondary schools in a fun environment for your children with highly experienced and qualified educators,” says Ian Todd of Cotswold Education. “There are lots of free resources and the opportunity to chat about secondary schools, including grammar schools, over a free hot drink!”

11+ Launch Day cotswoldeducation.co.uk

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