Excellence and fun at Dene Magna

Dene Magna is an Ofsted rated outstanding secondary school located in the Forest of Dean. According to headmaster Steve Brady, “We have a relentless focus on excellent teaching and learning, and, alongside our house system, a healthy dose of fun.” He explains that the school has a “genuine partnership” between students, staff and parents/carers in pursuit of a its aim “that every learner shall achieve their maximum potential and enjoy the process”.

Steve and his team cannot wait to meet prospective pupils and their parents at their forthcoming open event on Thu 28 Sep and introduce visitors to their “wonderful” students. The open event consists of an Open Day 9am-12pm and an Open Evening 6-9pm.

Dene Magna T: 01594 542370 W: denemagna.co.uk @denemagnaschool

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