Get flu ready for winter

This term, Leicestershire Partnership NHS Trust's School Immunisation Service is offering a free, safe and effective flu immunisation to all primary school children.

Not only does the vaccine help to protect children from this nasty virus, it can also help to prevent it spreading to vulnerable friends and family members too.

Flu is highly contagious and spreads through coughs, sneezes and touching contaminated surfaces. It causes fever, aching muscles, a stuffy nose and cough. Flu can also lead to more serious problems like painful ear infections or breathing issues. Good hand hygiene throughout autumn and winter helps to stop the spread.

The flu vaccine is usually given as a nasal spray, which provides the most effective protection. A gelatine-free flu injection, into the upper arm, is also available to children if the nasal spray isn’t suitable.

Information about your child’s immunisation date and how to complete an online consent form will be sent to you by your child’s school.

If you have any questions, contact the School Immunisation Team on 0300 3000 007.

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