Protecting your peepers as you look ahead in 2025!
We only get one set of eyes, so the local NHS Healthy Together school nursing service is encouraging families to make it a priority to protect their peepers this year.
There are lots of simple things you can do to keep your eyes healthy. They include: spending time outdoors every day – which helps to relax eyes after periods of near-vision activities, limiting screen time (including watching TV, playing on games consoles or looking at a phone or iPad) and eating a healthy balanced diet. Ensuring your child has routine eye checks will also help to detect any problems and get any treatment or support needed. What’s more, NHS sight tests are free for children under 16 at opticians.
Look out for signs of a possible eye problem. These include: eyes not pointing in the same direction, complaining of headaches or eye strain, problems reading like needing to hold books close up, issues with hand-eye coordination, regular eye-rubbing or sitting very close to screens.
For more tips visit or for information on keeping well during winter visit
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