A summer to remember with Marlborough College

From toddlers to teens and parents to grandparents, the whole family is guaranteed a holiday to remember at Marlborough College Summer School from 10 July to 6 August 2022.

Junior Troopers (ages 3-6) and Children's Activities (ages 6-9) adopt the multi-activity approach with a packed programme of arts and crafts, music, sports and outdoor games. Like the adults, Young Adventurers (ages 9-12) and Teenagers can choose from a huge range of morning and afternoon courses, which they continue all week.

Besides staying at the College with their families, young people are welcome to attend Summer School as day students and working parents may use Childcare Vouchers or tax-free scheme Childcare Choices to help pay for courses.  To discover the full range of courses, please visit the website.

Marlborough College Summer School W: summerschool.co.uk

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