Explore Heritage in Wiltshire this September

Heritage Open Days - England’s largest history and culture festival - return to Wiltshire between 9 and 18 September. Families across the county can enjoy more than fifty events across Wiltshire during the 10-day festival and, best of all, they’re all free. The events and activities on offer include walking tours of Devizes, Swindon and Salisbury, countless churches across the county and museum open days.

One location that is opening its doors is Coleshill, a National Trust site that has a Victorian model farm and plenty more to explore. You can interact with local experts, take guided walks of the buildings and visit the foaling house and working watermill. Coleshill is open on Sun 11 Sep between 10.30am and 5pm. 11 Sep is also the last day that the Concrete Castles exhibition will be on site and so don’t miss out on a chance to see contemporary art from World War Two. Don’t forget to visit the WW2 underground operations base at Coleshill where Auxiliar Units trained in the 1940s too.

The Neeld and Town Hall in Chippenham are hosting two tours of the spaces you don’t get to usually see. The tours take place at 10am and 12noon on Sat 10 Sep. Booking for the tours is currently open and closes at 12noon on Sat 10 Sep. The Neeld plays a significant role in Chippenham’s history, having once been a cheese market and a hospital during WW1. The site is now a community and arts centre following a refurbishment in 2015. The Town Hall opened in 1834 and is home to Chippenham Town Council.

If you want to read more about the locations, events and activities mentioned or find out about the other events taking place throughout Heritage Open Days, then please follow the link below.



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