Fair Inspires Wiltshire children to innovate

About 1,200 Wiltshire primary school children had the chance to explore and be inspired into by technology and innovation at this year’s STEAM FAIR at Wiltshire County Hall, Trowbridge, earlier this month. The children and their teachers were able to explore a wide range of stands, exhibits, and curriculum-linked activities provided by a wide range of West Country organisations including Wiltshire Air Ambulance, Swindon Museum and Art Gallery, Roche Court, REME Museum, and Podpad Studios.

The fair was organised by Wiltshire Council’s Learning Resources Hub, Swindon, Wiltshire Careers Hub, and The James Dyson Foundation following two successful STEAM Fairs in 2018 and 2020.

Laura Mayes, the council cabinet member for education and skills, says “This event supports Wiltshire Council’s commitment to ensuring that all young people get the best start in life but also our commitment to ensuring Wiltshire has a thriving local economy supported by a skilled workforce. I hope that the children and the teachers who attended the event had fun and were inspired by the possibilities and opportunities [offered by] science, technology, engineering, arts, and mathematics.”


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