Wiltshire foundation launches campaign for locals in need.

Some already donating their winter fuel allowances and discounts, says WCF


A Devizes-based charity dedicated to bringing together people who can help with those who need it most has launched a £50,000 appeal in response to widespread rising food, rent and energy costs. Wiltshire Community Foundation (WCF) aims to generate funds to help voluntary groups and charities across Wiltshire and Swindon to support families and individuals struggling with higher bills. Charities in the county including foodbanks, debt advisors, family support and mental health groups have reported a sharp rise in the need for their services at a time when their own costs are going up.

Money advice group Crosspoint in Westbury has received double its usual number of visitors while Heals (pictured) in Malmesbury says it is distributing 75% more foodbank vouchers than last year.

WCF joint chief executive Fiona Oliver says, “The money raised through this appeal will fund a new grants programme to support projects keeping people fed and warm in this period of hardship.” She says some supporters have already donated a proportion of their winter fuel allowance or energy bill discount which they may not need. “Any amount donated to the appeal will help some of the amazing groups across Wiltshire and Swindon.” Towards the end of last month, the Cost of Living Crisis appeal had raised six percent of its target with 68 days left to run.

In separate news, Devizes and District Foodbank has called on local families and schools to donate this winter. The foodbank, opened in 2007, has fed over 1,900 people in 2021 of whom 762 were children. It is now accepting donations of non-perishable food which is over four months from its best-before date.  Food can be dropped at five locations across Devizes and Marlborough: Waitrose, High Street in Marlborough; Tesco on Salisbury Road, Marlborough, Morrisons, Estcourt Street, Devizes, Sainsbury’s, Monday Market Street, Devizes and the foodbank’s warehouse, Waller Road, Devizes.


Wiltshire Community Foundation W: Wiltshirecf.org.uk Donations localgiving.org/appeal/CostofLiving T: 01380 738989

Devizes District Foodbank devizesdistrict.foodbank.org.uk

Devizes District Foodbank devizesdistrict.foodbank.org.uk


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