Wiltshire Air Ambulance offers first-aid training for schools

Parents keen to see their children learn first aid at school might consider recommending Wiltshire Air Ambulance’s (WAA) Emergency Awareness Training programme to their child’s school. The programme aims to teach children a wide range of lifesaving skills such as making a 999 call, managing an unconscious patient, how to perform CPR, assisting someone who’s choking, and burn treatment. The Air Ambulance is currently accepting bookings for September and beyond. Each programme can be specifically tailored to any age group and costs £2 per person.

Several schools and organisations have already made use of the programme. The Grove Primary School in Trowbridge says, “The workshop was brilliant, giving the children life lessons in a fun and interactive way. The value for money was incredible, we would highly recommend it.”

The programme is also available to community groups as, says WAA, “Our aim is to educate the community and provide them with the knowledge to confidently manage a medical emergency prior to the arrival of an ambulance.”


Wiltshire Air Ambulance: www.wiltshireairambulance.co.uk/emergency-awareness-training

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