Celebrate Spring at Salisbury's May Day Fayre!

It’s May Day, time to celebrate spring’s arrival in a quintessentially English way with ‘Spring Fayre’ in the grounds of The Salisbury Museum, in the heart of the city. Spring Fayre has the feel of a village fete, and is a celebration of all things local, all things rural, all things Wiltshire. It blends memories of childhood and of celebrations on the village green, family games, music and ancient traditions. Visitors can simply have fun and relax, enjoy the food and drink and try out some crafts, games and dancing.

SPRING FAYRE MON 1 MAY,  10am-5pm. Donation entry all day. The Salisbury Museum, The King's House, 65 The Close, Salisbury SP1 2EN, salisburymuseum.org.uk

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