Home-Start North Wiltshire: Supporting Parents of Under 5s

Parenting is not easy. It can be lonely, frustrating, and overwhelming. Home-Start helps Wiltshire families with children under 5 who are experiencing tough times.  
For home-visiting support, a volunteer visits a family weekly for two to three hours for six months. Support is bespoke and could include accompanying a parent to a playgroup, playing with a child whose parent is ill or listening without judgement.
Group support offers parents the opportunity to meet others in a calm, supportive environment. Volunteers ensure no-one feels alone and play with the little ones - enabling parents to chat in relative peace! Next group starts in September.

Volunteers Needed! Join Home-Start and make a difference to local families. New training starts June and October.
For more information on getting support/volunteering, call Dawn: 01672 569457. 

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